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Valletta FC to face FC Honka Espoo in UEFA Youth League
Valletta FC is set to face Finnish club FC Honka Espoo in the first round of the UEFA Youth League, following the competition’s draw held last Tuesday. The Citizens will be the first Maltese team to participate in this prestigious tournament after UEFA expanded the competition to include teams from all affiliated nations. Valletta...
Read MoreValletta FC l-ikbar Klabb f’Malta
Valletta FC huwa l-klabb li għandu l-akbar appoġġ f’Malta fost dawk il-Maltin li għandhom ‘il fuq minn 16-il sena u jissapportjaw Club tal-football Malti. Riċerka li saret minn Sagalytics turi li l-Club Belt jgawdi l-akbar appoġġ tas-sapporters Maltin, b’aktar minn 27,000 persuna li jappoġġjawh. Il-President ta’ Valletta FC Claudio Grech qal li “dan ir-riżultat...
Read MoreMembers Updated on Progress at Valletta Football Club
On Tuesday, Valletta Football Club hosted a highly successful Member's meeting at the Mediterranean Conference Centre Hall in which the Members were provided with a detailed update on the Club transformation underway. The well-attended event also provided the opportunity to Members to engage in meaningful discussions about the Club's next steps and future. The...
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