Valletta FC Squad Launch
On Tuesday, 10th September, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, the club announced the squad for this season. This year, the club will be playing in the Challenge League and the first match will be next Saturday against Sirens FC, at 18:00 at the Centenary Stadium, Ta 'Qali. The event was opened by Valletta's Vice...
Read MoreValletta FC to face FC Honka Espoo in UEFA Youth League
Valletta FC is set to face Finnish club FC Honka Espoo in the first round of the UEFA Youth League, following the competition’s draw held last Tuesday. The Citizens will be the first Maltese team to participate in this prestigious tournament after UEFA expanded the competition to include teams from all affiliated nations. Valletta...
Read MoreValletta FC l-ikbar Klabb f’Malta
Valletta FC huwa l-klabb li għandu l-akbar appoġġ f’Malta fost dawk il-Maltin li għandhom ‘il fuq minn 16-il sena u jissapportjaw Club tal-football Malti. Riċerka li saret minn Sagalytics turi li l-Club Belt jgawdi l-akbar appoġġ tas-sapporters Maltin, b’aktar minn 27,000 persuna li jappoġġjawh. Il-President ta’ Valletta FC Claudio Grech qal li “dan ir-riżultat...
Read MoreMembers Updated on Progress at Valletta Football Club
On Tuesday, Valletta Football Club hosted a highly successful Member's meeting at the Mediterranean Conference Centre Hall in which the Members were provided with a detailed update on the Club transformation underway. The well-attended event also provided the opportunity to Members to engage in meaningful discussions about the Club's next steps and future. The...
Read MoreBOV Challenge League 2024/25 draws
The BOV Challenge League draws for 2024/25 were broadcast live on TVM Sports+ and the Malta FA Facebook page. Two teams relegated from the Premier League – Valletta and Sirens – are set to face each other on match-day 1 of the BOV Challenge League 2024/25. The draw was conducted on Wednesday by Malta...
Read MoreValletta FC New Committee 2024/25
On Monday, July 8th, the members of Valletta F.C. approved the new committee for the upcoming years, with Mr. Claudio Grech as the new President. We wish the entire committee the best of luck. Download Valletta FC Committee 2024/25 list Photography by Andrew Grima.
Read MoreLaqgħa Ġenerali Valletta FC 8 ta’ Lulju 2024
Wara li fil-Laqgħa Ġenerali li saret nhar il-Ħamis 4 ta' Lulju 2024 intom tajtuni permess li nifforma kumitat fi żmien erbgħa (4) t'ijien, liema kumitat għandu jitressaq għall-approvazzjoni tal-membri matul il-ġimgħa li ġejja. Għaldaqstant qiegħed insejjaħ Laqgħa Ġenerali nhar it-Tnejn 8 ta' Lulju fis-18:30 fil-faċilitajiet sportivi tal-Club fis-Salinos. Il-laqgħa tibda b'mod definit fis-19:00. L-Aġenda...
Read MoreJoe Attard steps down from Valletta FC General Secretary
Joe Attard, the General Secretary of Valletta FC, has announced his resignation effective July 5, 2024. In a heartfelt letter, Attard expressed that the past month had been particularly challenging, adversely affecting his health. Having dedicated 18 years to Valletta FC, he highlighted the pleasure and pride felt being part of such a remarkable...
Read MoreClaudio Grech elected as new Valletta FC President
Claudio Grech is the new president of Valletta FC after his group 1943 were given the nod to take charge of the club during the second part of the annual general meeting that was held on Thursday evening. Grech’s 1943 group were one of three bidders that were looking to win the approval of...
Read MoreValletta FC Annual general Meeting 2024
The Valletta Football Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11th June 2024 at 18.30 at Sala San Duminku, Valletta. Agenda: The agenda items of the AGM shall be the following: 1. Verification of the composition of the Meeting and members entitled to vote 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Approval on...
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