Valletta FC Squad Launch
On Tuesday, 10th September, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, the club announced the squad for this season. This year, the club will be playing in the Challenge League and the first match will be next Saturday against Sirens FC, at 18:00 at the Centenary Stadium, Ta ‘Qali.
The event was opened by Valletta’s Vice President and former player Nicky Saliba. The Vice President gave an account of how the squad was built for this season and urged supporters to be behind the team even if we have matches where the result is not as expected.
Following the presentation of the players and technical staff, it was up to the club’s President Claudio Grech to close his speech. The club’s President began by thanking all those present and giving a detailed explanation of all the work done in this new administration.
He continued by encouraging more supporters to join the V43 scheme so that the club would be financially stronger and more sustainable. The President announced that whoever is part of this scheme will have his name engraved in the club’s history, as an official kit with the names of all those in the scheme will be printed. This kit will be worn by this year’s squad during the last match of the season.
The President concluded his speech by thanking thousands who are approaching the club for Valletta to return where it deserves and continue to achieve more success.
Nhar it-Tlieta, 10 ta’ Settembru, ġewwa l-Mediterranean Conference Centre, il-klabb ħabbar l-iskwadra kollha għad-dan l-istaġun li ġej. Din is-sena, il-klabb ser ikun qed jilgħab fiċ-Challenge League u l-ewwel partita ser tkun dik ta’ nhar is-Sibt li ġej kontra Sirens FC, fis-18:00 ġewwa ċ-Centenary Stadium, Ta’ Qali.
L-attività kienet miftuħa mill-Viċi President u ex-plejer ta’ Valletta, Nicky Saliba. Il-Viċi President ta rendikont ta’ kif inbniet l-iskwadra għal dan l-istaġun u ħeġġeġ lis-supporters biex ikunu wara t-tim anke jekk ikollna partiti fejn ir-riżultat ma jkunx kif mistenni.
Wara li saret il-preżentazzjoni tal-players u l-istaff tekniku, kien imiss lill-President tal-klabb, is-Sur Claudio Grech, biex jagħlaq id-diskors tiegħu. Il-President tal-klabb beda billi rringrazzja lil dawk kollha preżenti u ta spjegazzjoni fid-dettall tax-xogħol kollu li sar f’din l-amministrazzjoni l-ġdida.
Kompla billi ħajjar aktar supporters jidħlu fl-Iskema tal-V43 biex b’hekk il-klabb ikun iktar b’saħħtu finanzjarjament u sostenibbli. Il-President ħabbar li kull min hu parti minn din l-Iskema ser ikollu ismu mnaqqax fl-istorja tal-klabb, għax ser jiġi stampat kit uffiċjali bl-ismijiet ta’ dawk kollha fl-iskema. Dan il-kit ser jintlibes mill-iskwadra ta’ din is-sena fl-aħħar partita tal-istaġun.
Il-President għalaq id-diskors tiegħu billi rringrazzja lil dawk l-eluf li qed jersqu lejn il-klabb biex Valletta jerġa’ jkun lura fejn jixraqlu u jkompli jikseb aktar suċċessi.