Thank You To Our Sponsors
Caritas Malta Bounce Back

The Official Website of Valletta Football Club

Our Next Game

Valletta FC

Centenary Stadium

18 January 2025
at 2:00 pm

Pieta H.

Messaġġ mill-President

Messaġġ mill-President

Messaġġ mill-President

L-1 ta’ Ottubru huwa ħafna aktar minn sempliċement anniversarju. Hija ġurnata li fiha huwa doveruż li nfakkru lil dawk kollha li ġew qabilna u ħadmu biex Valletta FC hu dak li hu llum.

81 sena ilu Joseph Grixti, Joseph Muscat, Emanuel Calleja u Carmel Caruana warrbu d-differenzi li seta’ kellhom u kkonverġew l-isforzi tagħhom biex waqqfu Club wieħed Belti li fis-snin ta’ wara sar istituzzjoni sportiva bl-akbar support f’Malta.

Il-viżjoni u l-maturita’ li urew dawn l-erba’ rġiel kienu l-pilastri li fuqhom inbena’ dak kollu li rnexxielna nibnu matul dawn il-81 sena. Minn dakinhar ‘il quddiem il-Club mexa ‘il quddiem taħt it-tmexxija ta’ numru ta’ Presidenti li lkoll taw dak kollu li setgħu biex raw lil dan il-Club jikber u jissaħħaħ staġun wara ieħor.

L-istorja m’għandiex biss li skop li tfakkarna f’dawn l-episodji importanti iżda wkoll li tiggwida l-ħidma tagħna fil-ġejjieni.

Il-futur ta’ dan il-Club jinsab biss fil-għaqda fil-komunita’ Beltija u fost is-27,000 supporter tagħna.

Is-suċċessi li naspiraw għalihom nistgħu niksbuhom biss jekk nibnuhom fuq ir-rispett lejn il-passat tagħna.

Forza Valletta City.
Claudio Grech
Valletta Football Club


October 1st is much more than just an anniversary. It is a day in which it is our duty to remember all those who came before us and worked to make Valletta FC what it is today.

Eighty-one years ago, Joseph Grixti, Joseph Muscat, Emanuel Calleja, and Carmel Caruana set aside any differences they might have had and combined their efforts to establish a single club for the people of Valletta, which in the following years became the sports institution with the largest support in Malta.

The vision and maturity shown by these four men were the pillars upon which everything we have built over the past 81 years was founded. Since then, the Club has moved forward under the leadership of various Presidents, all of whom gave everything they could to see the Club grow and strengthen season after season.

History does not only serve to remind us of these important episodes, but also to guide our work in the future.

The future of this Club lies in the unity of the Valletta community and among our 27,000 supporters.

The successes we aspire to can only be achieved if we build them on the respect for our past.